Collections of tools and data generated by the lab and by other labs
Tools listed in no particular order, updated periodically and dropped at will. If links do not work hit the contact tab and relay your woe to the tools portal meister.
- UCSC Genomebrowser (legacy) with locally produced custom tracks: Old Genomebrowser (Only available within Med School)
- Progenitors:
- Robosnp - SNPs by transcipt in a convenient, downloadable table: Robosnp
- Robosnp UK10K - Same as above but with added UK10k genomes/exomes data: Robosnp UK10K
- Timecourse - compare expression over time in different cell types: TCPlot
- Haematlas - compare expression in different cell types: Haematlas
- Expressed! - expression visualisation in different cell types from 5 different datasets: Expressed!
- Venn List - create Venn diagrams of up to three lists (of gene names for example): Venn Generator
- RNA Abundance Query tool for platelet specific genes: RNA Abundance Query
- Build idiograms on-demand for human, mouse and rat: Idiographica
- SNPs by chromosome/disorder found through GWAS: GWAS Browser